“Evangalist P. Y. Gray – Tyson
CEO – The Multi-Cultural Development Association, Inc. (Non-Profit)
Minister R. M. Roland, MS, BA
COO – The Multi-Cultural Development Association, Inc. (Non-Profit)
Director – The Multi-Cultural Development Association (MDA), Multicultural Development Ministry”
“Welcome to the Multicultural Development Ministry where we genuinely believe that multicultural diversity, equity, and inclusion as core objectives in a deliberate way to create a venue for beneficial results to thrive, whether in outreach programs, nonprofit institutional strengthening, or policy initiatives.
The Multicultural Development Ministry evolved from a nonprofit organization known as The Multi-Cultural Development and Association, Incorporation. The ministry encourages complex transformation procedures that do not accept or celebrate diversity, but instead attempt to reduce the oppressive tendencies that exist in most businesses. The Multicultural Development Ministry promotes tolerance and dispels unfavorable prejudices among various groups of people. Furthermore, the ministry stimulates and supports the growth and development of individuals, groups, neighborhoods, and communities.
The Multicultural Development Ministry embraces the diversity of knowledge and perspectives that different groups bring to the ministry in order to shape its strategy, work, management and operating systems, core values and norms for success, and members of all groups are treated fairly in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
TBD – To Be Determined
Evangalist P. Gray-Tyson
CEO – The Multi-Cultural Development Association, Inc.
(510) 776-8740
Minister R. Roland, MS, BA
COO – The Multi-Cultural Development Association, Inc.
Director – The Multi-Cultural Development Association (MDA)
Multicultural Development Ministry
(408) 314-2011″