Welcome to the G.L.Y. B ook Club! A community of fun, friendship building, fellowship and support through reading! The G.L.Y. Book Club is a Christian book club that assists men, women, teenagers, youth, and children in combining their faith, friendship, and love of reading into one enjoyable activity.
There are numerous compelling reasons to join the G.L.Y.B.C. community. The G.L.Y. Book Club group, for example, encourages you to read and make new friends. Furthermore, the community provides you with a unique perspective while widening your horizons and enhancing your reading and writing skills. More importantly, gathering with like-minded community members for enjoyable food provides a reprieve from the daily grind.
The G.L.Y. Book Club will provide you with numerous advantages. The book club network promotes reading accountability and encourages you to read more deeply. Furthermore, the group promotes critical thinking and keeps your mind sharp through reading. Along with new viewpoints, enhanced knowledge and awareness, and improved writing skills, you will have the opportunity to cultivate a lifelong love of books.
Looking for a good book to read to help you grow? Check out the G.L.Y.B.C.’s recommended novels to find the perfect one for you. Please join us for virtual and in-person meet-and-greets!
TBD - To Be Determined
Pastor G.L. Young, D. Min- C. C. (c), MA, BA Director - G.L.Y. Book Club Book Club Ministry GYoung@sczion.org (831) 295-3473